Protecting Coos, Curry and Western Douglas Counties since 1910
Smoke Management
Smoke Management Process
Are you planning on burning the slash remaining from your logging operation?
All operators / landowners must obtain a burn permit in accordance with the Oregon Smoke Management Plan.
Indicating "Burning" as a means of Slash Treatment on your "Notification of Operation / Application for a Permit" with Oregon Department of Forestry, does not initiate a Burn Permit.
You must contact Coos Forest Protective Association and start the Smoke Management - Burn Planning process. Contact your nearest office below.
The State of Oregon has ORS laws and OAR rules related to the burning of "logging slash" . Below is a list of links related to Smoke Management.
Smoke Management (Partial) Definitions
Smoke Management is the controlling of smoke emitted from the burning of logging slash with less impact and intrusion to the surrounding areas, and takes into consideration your location, the weather, materials being burned and type of burn.
Prescribed Burning is the burning of slash, and forest litter from a logging operation to minimize the possibility of large wildfires during fire seasons.
Slash is debris and forest litter that is low lying, dying and/or dead, and woody material left over from a logging operation.
Landing piles is the piling of slash on the logging operations landing site usually consists of one large pile.
Piled unit is the piling of slash throughout the entire logging operation site, usually consists of many medium size piles.
Broadcast is the remaining debris that has not been piled, usually consists of lighting fire to the entire logging operation area.
Links For Smoke Management
Daily Plans
Daily Accomplishments
Fuel Moistures
Days Since Significant Precipitation
Oregon Smoke Management Directive
Smoke Management Forecast
Plan Review Information
Map of Smoke Managed Areas
Burn Management Brochure
Forestland Burning Guide
Recognizing Optimum Conditions
Standard Guidance Matrix